It's so weird, this week seems to have gone very quickly, I felt like it was only yesterday when I wrote the FFX post...!!! Anyway, I'm so glad many of you guys love the song"素敵だね" and yea it has always been one of my favourite for all times♪~ I will sure share more of these with you guys in the next coming weeks~
Meanwhile, as I did "Kobe Beef" for my Culture Presentation last week, I would like to share with you all a stupid yet very funny video about Japanese Traditions, especially for sushi lovers~~(Be sure to watch the whole video) ^&^!!
Hahahaha~ I was abit confused when I first watched it as well, I was like "What the....?" "OOooo......ic"
As for Japanese Class, I am not looking forward to chapter 3, I'm totally Ok with the Kanji and everything, but it just seems that we have a lot more to learn and most importantly to understand in this whole chapter! Rite now.......I need much more then just Luck~
see you all at 3pm tomorrow!
This week!
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Why am I........ so forgetful!
How could I....... forget to hand in the Katakana Practice Sheet!
this 0.00% greatly lowers my overall hw grade!
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well, enough with those.....
Recently while I was just surfing randomly on youtube, and I found this theme song--> "素敵だね" from the game Final Fantasy X which I used to love so much ♪<---Tidus
It is sung by Japanese folk singer Ritsuki Nakano (also known as "RIKKI"), whom the music team contacted while searching for a singer whose music reflected an Okinawan atmosphere.
The song's title translates to "Isn't it Wonderful?" in English, and its lyrics were written by Nojima while Uematsu composed the instrumentals.
Hope you guys like it too!
~watch the video closely, there are some great sentimental scenes there~
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This week has been a tough one........
I am glad this week is nearly over.
It has been a long week....assignments, mid terms, reading is piling up, but I don't really have the mood to do any of them.
Japanese alone has taken away the majority of my time, take for example today's class, I've to prepare the culture presentation, study for the quiz, finish the reading and writing part form the text book, complete the katakana formation sheet and also write out the Sakubun. The work is on a daily basis so you can't wait until the next day to do it. And over the weekend, I'll also need to study for the upcoming test as well as to prepare for our skit.
I'm curious, so how do you guys cope with this, along with all the other work that you get ?
How much time do you spend on Japanese per week (on average)? Go and vote now!
Well, other than that, I did had a great time last weekend, spending great time with friends★
9 月17 日は私の二十歳の誕生日です。 Thanks guys for my little surprise party^&^
Special credits goes to Shum San and Joyce ♪~♪~♪
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Hi ~ I must say, although blogging has become so popular nowadays, I have never actually thought of having my own blog, well, laziness surely counts as one of the main reasons! However, it's definitely interesting to have created such a blog, and I'll try to put up different stuff every week so you guys will get to know me better!So why am I taking Japanese? Well I have been living in HK for most of my life where the Japanese pop cultures has greatly influenced our daily lives, no matter on food, fashion, music, the media.... You can always hear about news in the Japanese entertainment world, and find tons of Japanese made products in shops, all of these fascinated me, and I started to become very interested in knowing more about Japan and of course the first step would be learning Japanese.
"Japanese101 is tough", I don't know how many times I have heard about it among my friends. But I never knew how demanding this course is until I came for the first class, a lot of preparation has to be done, readings, hw, quizzes..... It definitely takes up a lot of time, but it's a lot of fun in class and I have already learnt a lot of stuff in these 2 weeks! I hope that I can keep up with the pace for the upcoming chapters and hopefully get a good grade~
Ganbatte ne everyone!
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